
Benefit programy výhody hodinkyWe provide members of benefit programs with a more favorable purchase of watches.

  1. UP ČR ( we accept Cadhoc vouchers
  2. Edenred ( - we accept Edenred Compliments® vouchers (formerly as Ticket Compliments)
  3. Sodexo ( - we accept Bonus Pass and Gift Pass vouchers
  4. Benefity, a. s. ( - discount for club members (after presenting the customer card at the store or using the coupon online). You cannot pay with the Benefit card.
  5. Benefity Plus ( - discount for club members. You cannot pay with the Benefit card.
  6. Cafeteria Systems ( - purchase through employee benefits

Are you a member of another benefit program and would you like to use it with us? Contact us and we will try to establish cooperation so that we can accommodate you. 

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